IMEP, new member of the Fneijma

Nov 15, 2022 | IMEP, News, Partenaire

IMEP – Paris College of Music is now a member of Fneijma, the French National Federation of Schools of Jazz and Contemporary Music. 

The main objective of the Fneijma is to defend the teaching, the practice and the promotion of contemporary music, by federating a network of schools and training places.

Eventually, IMEP would like to offer its students the opportunity to validate their professional training with the title AMMA ( Artist Musician of Contemporary Music) and the certifications IOMA (Interpreting a work of contemporary music) and MIMA (Musician Interpreter of Contemporary Music).

These titles and certifications that can be financed, among others, by the CPF are recognized by the State and registered in the RNCP ( National Directory of Professional Certifications).

Currently, the IMEP Professional Cycle can be financed within the framework of professional training by public or mutualized financing (Pôle Emploi, Training Insurance Fund, Regions, Opco).