
The Open Program


COURSE OF STUDIES  title-little


For each discipline there are one or two exams per trimester. These exams may be grouped with or replaced by a project (a composition or arrangement). These “assessments” structure the progress and allows for personalized monitoring, in order to rapidly detect any problem that may require a solution to be implemented.


At the end of each trimester, a transcript is mailed to students. The last quarter’s grade report includes the decision of whether the student has passed courses or needs to repeat them, as well as a schedule for the following year. A grade average of 12/20 is required to pass during the upper year, as well as an instrumental level considered sufficient. The number of allowed absences must not be exceeded. Repetition: Gives the student the opportunity to completely or partially complete a year again. Repetition may be granted on based on academic record, depending on availability.

Dismissal. In case of failure during the repetition year or in egregious cases of insufficient work, or failure to comply with school rules.


All course materials (lessons, exercises and homework) are included in tuition and are therefore provided to students in each course. These documents are protected by copyright and must not be distributed or used commercially by any means whatsoever.


At the end of the year all students in the Open Program, as well as those in the prep class and non-cycle workshops, perform in public during a concert in a Parisian concert hall.
This friendly event is a highlight of the school’s social life and is also an integral part of education. It is an opportunity for students and professors to come together in a different setting. It is also an opportunity for former students and faculty to see classmates and professors again. This is why the all students enrolled at the school are strongly requested to be present. This also allows them to actually tackle the personal and instrumental challenges necessary to a stage performance.

IMEP • Paris College of Music - Ecole de jazz et de musiques actuelles