Masterclass with drummer Franck Agulhon

Masterclass with drummer Franck Agulhon

Masterclasse Franck Agulhon Lundi 4 juin 2018 à 16h00 IMEP • Paris College of Music organise une Masterclass dédiée à la batterie avec Franck Agulhon : technique, travail personnel, musicalité… Franck Agulhon joue avec les plus grands : Archie Shepp, Lew Soloff,...
Masterclass with Mark de Clive-Lowe

Masterclass with Mark de Clive-Lowe

Masterclasse Mark de Clive-Lowe IMEP • Paris College of Music has the honor of presenting an exclusive masterclass with Mark on June 27, in collaboration with the great concert venue La Petite Halle in Paris! Join us at 17h on Tuesday, June 27th, and ask Mark...
masterclasse Alain Jean-Marie

masterclasse Alain Jean-Marie

Piano Masterclasse Alain Jean-Marie Lundi 27 février à 16h @ IMEP • Paris College of Music A rare occasion for all musicians to hear Alain Jean-Marie talk about his career, his connection to music and his personal approach to the piano Alain Jean-Marie has regularly...