Ikto at Boule Noire
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Ikto at Boule Noire

“Ikto’s music is all about movement. She tells of a journey through styles and landscapes of all colors, never attached to a pattern or a performance, but rather to the straightforward discovery of an original, immersive world.

Eight musicians join forces to create a single reality: the universe of Ikto, composed by Bruno Rougevin-Baville and recreated anew on each occasion by the octet, founded in 2020.

Their first album, “Le Voyage”, is a musical fresco in four acts, designed to let you explore a way of writing, a way of hearing, and to conceive an artistic project inspired as much by sounds as by images, which draws its inspiration from symphonic music and contemporary music as well as from landscapes and colors, inventing in this fusion a sensitive and cinematographic musical experience.”


Date: 25 January 2024Time: 19 h 30 min - 22 h 30 min UTC+1Venue: La Boule NoireLocation: 120 boulevard de Rochechouart Paris, 75018 FranceVenue Google Map Link: + Google MapCategory: Alumni, Concert, Faculty